Comments by Rabih Haddad on the "Detainee Bill"
If I were able to address America, I would say: "America, look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see." But since this is unlikely, I will attempt to draw a picture of how America is perceived in this part of the world, an area directly affected by many of the policies and actions taken by the American government.
For a variety of reasons I believe that I offer a unique perspective. I lived in the States for a good portion of my adult life (15 years) and was able to experience first hand the mosaic that comprises America today with most of its social strata. I also was a victim of the seemingly mindless decisions and policies at which this administration excels. First it was the USA PATRIOT Act and now the 'Detainee Bill,' with many blunders in between.
G.W. says America liberated Iraq and turned it to a democracy. The only people in Iraq who pretend to believe that are the stooges imposed by the Americans as ""a democratically elected government." Not a single Iraqi, or a single Arab or Muslim to whom I've spoken, believes that.
G.W. says America is winning the war against terrorism. But does anyone in the world believe that? The world today is a much more dangerous place thanks to this administration and its adopted policies of sanctioned torture, covert assassinations, extra judicial killings, kidnapping, indefinite detentions, and the list goes on forever.
G.W. says he respects Islam and Muslims then turns around and associates fascism with Islam. Not long before that he described his actions as a "crusade" knowing full well what the term means, especially for those who fell victim to such ungodly campaigns.
So what is the face of America that people see in this part of the world? It a most hideous one, let me assure you. They see an America that is willing to do anything to advance its goals, within or outside the law.
They see an America that uses excessive force against helpless civilians, including chemical and biological weapons.
They see an America that demonizes them and their religion while the same America does not see a single fault with Israel, their main victimizer.
They see an America that claims to be a champion of democracy, justice, and human rights but persecutes them in the name of these very values.
They see an America that is siphoning their national treasures and pushing them into deeper poverty and depravation.
The above was a necessary introduction that facilitates taking the passing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 from its national context to its proper and broader international context.
This administration has been the epitome of a rogue regime by all standards. They have lied to their people and to the world. They have waged unjust, un-ethical, and unfounded wars. They have systemically eroded civil liberties in and outside the United States. They have engaged in un-conventional warfare against innocent civilians. They have destroyed entire nations along with their infrastructures and economies. They committed extra judicial murders. They have kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured, and killed scores of individuals, the guilt or innocence of whom may never be determined. Their thirst for power and riches seems unquenchable!
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 not only sanctions all of the above, but gives the administration the proverbial pat on the shoulder and encourages them to do more. Terrorists and their organizations must be stopped by all means. Legal means, that is. George W. Bush made it very clear from the very beginning that "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists." A very troubling statement. Troubling because this administration has been able to extract from this rubber-stamp congress the legalization of its unruly policies. This congress has given this president unprecedented powers because if they didn't, they would be with the terrorists.
This president unilaterally determines who is a terrorist and who is not, and thus who is with him and who is with the terrorists. These determinations are not made based on factual findings, but rather on what is of greater profit to the hawks in his cabinet and the special interest entities they represent. These very entities are working hard overtly and covertly to establish The American Empire. This is exactly how the US is perceived today by friends and foes, allies and adversaries. The Detainee Bill is just another victory under this administration's belt on the road to Imperialism. It legalizes and legitimizes their otherwise criminal policies and criminal procedures.
I should know! I was determined to be a 'person of interest'. To this day, I don't know who made that determination or why. What I know is that because of that determination I was whisked off to prison, my legal right to open hearings was confiscated, my legal right to know what I was being accused of was hijacked, I was thrown in "the hole" for the duration of my imprisonment save three months that were made possible after Congressman John Conyers' visit to my cell declaring it unacceptable! Today, five years after my arrest, not a single charge has been filed against me or against my organization, the Global Relief Foundation, terrorist-related or otherwise.
The damage that was done to me, to my family, to my organization, and to my community is irreparable. We will bear the scars of this grave injustice for as long as we live. But now we must live with the constant fear and insecurity of this repeating itself courtesy of this new bill. Bush and his gang can go after anyone anywhere in the world armed with this bill that did away with international laws and conventions put in place to safeguard against such tyranny.
The world was already a very dangerous place under Bush and his gang. This bill has made it all the more dangerous.
Rabih Haddad
Beirut, Lebanon
October 9, 2006
For a variety of reasons I believe that I offer a unique perspective. I lived in the States for a good portion of my adult life (15 years) and was able to experience first hand the mosaic that comprises America today with most of its social strata. I also was a victim of the seemingly mindless decisions and policies at which this administration excels. First it was the USA PATRIOT Act and now the 'Detainee Bill,' with many blunders in between.
G.W. says America liberated Iraq and turned it to a democracy. The only people in Iraq who pretend to believe that are the stooges imposed by the Americans as ""a democratically elected government." Not a single Iraqi, or a single Arab or Muslim to whom I've spoken, believes that.
G.W. says America is winning the war against terrorism. But does anyone in the world believe that? The world today is a much more dangerous place thanks to this administration and its adopted policies of sanctioned torture, covert assassinations, extra judicial killings, kidnapping, indefinite detentions, and the list goes on forever.
G.W. says he respects Islam and Muslims then turns around and associates fascism with Islam. Not long before that he described his actions as a "crusade" knowing full well what the term means, especially for those who fell victim to such ungodly campaigns.
So what is the face of America that people see in this part of the world? It a most hideous one, let me assure you. They see an America that is willing to do anything to advance its goals, within or outside the law.
They see an America that uses excessive force against helpless civilians, including chemical and biological weapons.
They see an America that demonizes them and their religion while the same America does not see a single fault with Israel, their main victimizer.
They see an America that claims to be a champion of democracy, justice, and human rights but persecutes them in the name of these very values.
They see an America that is siphoning their national treasures and pushing them into deeper poverty and depravation.
The above was a necessary introduction that facilitates taking the passing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 from its national context to its proper and broader international context.
This administration has been the epitome of a rogue regime by all standards. They have lied to their people and to the world. They have waged unjust, un-ethical, and unfounded wars. They have systemically eroded civil liberties in and outside the United States. They have engaged in un-conventional warfare against innocent civilians. They have destroyed entire nations along with their infrastructures and economies. They committed extra judicial murders. They have kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured, and killed scores of individuals, the guilt or innocence of whom may never be determined. Their thirst for power and riches seems unquenchable!
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 not only sanctions all of the above, but gives the administration the proverbial pat on the shoulder and encourages them to do more. Terrorists and their organizations must be stopped by all means. Legal means, that is. George W. Bush made it very clear from the very beginning that "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists." A very troubling statement. Troubling because this administration has been able to extract from this rubber-stamp congress the legalization of its unruly policies. This congress has given this president unprecedented powers because if they didn't, they would be with the terrorists.
This president unilaterally determines who is a terrorist and who is not, and thus who is with him and who is with the terrorists. These determinations are not made based on factual findings, but rather on what is of greater profit to the hawks in his cabinet and the special interest entities they represent. These very entities are working hard overtly and covertly to establish The American Empire. This is exactly how the US is perceived today by friends and foes, allies and adversaries. The Detainee Bill is just another victory under this administration's belt on the road to Imperialism. It legalizes and legitimizes their otherwise criminal policies and criminal procedures.
I should know! I was determined to be a 'person of interest'. To this day, I don't know who made that determination or why. What I know is that because of that determination I was whisked off to prison, my legal right to open hearings was confiscated, my legal right to know what I was being accused of was hijacked, I was thrown in "the hole" for the duration of my imprisonment save three months that were made possible after Congressman John Conyers' visit to my cell declaring it unacceptable! Today, five years after my arrest, not a single charge has been filed against me or against my organization, the Global Relief Foundation, terrorist-related or otherwise.
The damage that was done to me, to my family, to my organization, and to my community is irreparable. We will bear the scars of this grave injustice for as long as we live. But now we must live with the constant fear and insecurity of this repeating itself courtesy of this new bill. Bush and his gang can go after anyone anywhere in the world armed with this bill that did away with international laws and conventions put in place to safeguard against such tyranny.
The world was already a very dangerous place under Bush and his gang. This bill has made it all the more dangerous.
Rabih Haddad
Beirut, Lebanon
October 9, 2006
Mr. Haddad. I called your wife in Ann Arbor to apologize for the actions of my government back when you were disappeared. But allow me to say again how deeply troubled and ashamed of my country this reprehensible action has made me. I recently referred to your situation on my blog, thought this might be of interest: America the Beautiful and Rabih Haddad.
You didn't hear me sing that night you appeared at the town meeting with Congresswoman Rivers. Rivers didn't take my comment 'till you had gone.
I had covered Rex-84 Alpha for student radio back in the '80s and so I understood the chain of events following from the invocation of "continuity of government" after 9/11 and that the (mis)use of the immigration facilities and authority would be a major part of the pre-planned repression. And that was why I sang of "Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!" that night.
Henry Edward Hardy
Thank you for your continued interest and for your visit.
I read your piece and it got me thinking on how much America and the world have changed to the worse!!
In the town hall meeting five years ago, I remeber saying that "on September 11 history was made in the negative. Together we can make positive history."
Alas, this was not to be!!
After all that has happened -- so much blood, so much sadness -- I cannot blame you for saying "this was not to be."
But I do still believe that righteousness shall prevail and that all shall live as brothers and sisters, some day. This is a hard road, and to accomplish the reformation of society through non-violent means is hardest of all.
But though it take a thousand years, we *shall* overcome.
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; 'and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.'
"This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.
"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
"And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
"'My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
"'Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
"'From every mountainside, let freedom ring!'
"And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
"And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
"Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
"Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
"Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
"Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
"But not only that:
"Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
"Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
"Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
"From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
"And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men [and women], Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics [and Muslims], will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
"'Free at last! Free at last!
"'Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'"
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I Have a Dream
best regards,
Henry Edward Hardy
America the Beautiful and Rabih Haddad
"But I do still believe that righteousness shall prevail and that all shall live as brothers and sisters, some day. This is a hard road, and to accomplish the reformation of society through non-violent means is hardest of all. "
couldn't agree with you more
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